Friday, April 3, 2009

Multiviewer Software For Easycap

PFlow_Basic Animation

3D Max Pflow shot selection on volume at the Particle Emitter
set to vertex points. Movement controlled by wind forces.

Pflow explosion, Particle over-speed control at the same time creates a new event
Spawn the trails and set the speed, set
Gloweffekt in Max and rendered on the effects section.

Pflow Find target, set in a clear ball emitter
points, and then click find target (think Target) two balls right and left
assign as the target. is controlled

Pflow, emitter speed of Forces wind and
old test (Aget) is a new event started with Spawn, Forces wind Aget
copied from one event and insert the we then used as Loopschleife, so we produce the same movement.

Pflow Find Target, the Particle Emitter ball on Find Target
controlled one has only the target object is animate.

Pflow line, plane as the emitter and the particle set on positive points.
Particle Forces of wind and frequency controls movement.


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