How do I create my own monogram? Many of you have already written me emails and asked me to help them how to create even a monogram.
of course I'll help you! And just tried to make an illustrated guide. I was trying to explain it as simple as possible.
So to create a monogram, you need first of all an image editing program.
I use Gimp to
, a so-called open source (freeware).
should look like how at the end:
Let's start.
Step 1 Opens Gimp. You will see a new picture.
First you ghet the Text tool (This is the "A") and selects you now wish your fonts.
writes in the text box you now, as large as possible, the first letter in my case the "B"
Step 2 VERY important! This step is very important in Gimp, because be more or less to process all images and that is the
levels ! Now we want
namely the 2 Insert letters. To do this you go to the Werzeugkasten (the thing where all the tools are). In the tool box in the middle part, so-called riders, something like Kartein. There, you go to the tab
levels. This is anyway the best view!
Then at the bottom to draw on the white sheet
a new level
. There and only there, the second letter is pure. This level then you can move back and forth. You too can they push
behind the first letter, if you think that looks better. For this you have to change the planes in the toolbox.
Step 3 also an important step, because now we create depth. This is very simple, in which we share, of everything on the first letter, simply erase it. In my examples, therefore, are parts of the "L" erased easily. To do this you take the eraser.
Warning: looks that it really erased at the right level!
Step 4 is the most important made it! Congratulations! : D
are now nu still little things. First you create a new layer again (step 2). In this
now writes her name from the words "Benjamin & Lydia".
Then again a new layer, and the date. These two levels of her moves as long as you back and forth to her the position that you like best optical table.
Two very important tips: Tip 1: If you your monogram on every now and then again want to edit something, it does not save as jpg from (not so hochzeitsmonogram.jpg) Special xcf as
! ! This is an art project that the entire image file that stores all its levels as you see it just before you! For as a jpg, it is a finished picture what you can not change everything right.
Tip 2: If you would like a transparent background, So no white as I did in my example, you'll have to a) generate a plane is the transparent and sliding all the way down, so she is from the bottom first! Transparent pass a level created her by her at
Ebenenfüllart a tick in "
Transparentz " sets. AND you shall not
in jpg but must save it as png
! For jpg knows no tranparentz!
I hope you could you all understand very well and are now busy creating your monograms on:)
If you can if you like to send me your results, which I would then post it here. If
something is unclear, simply write a comment, I try as far as I can the questions to answer:)