marriage aptitude test is a very popular game at weddings also the so-called "marriage fitness test." There
be asked questions relating to the couple or their relationship.
RUNS from: The couple is asked to the dance floor. Back to back they are asked about their life together and must comply with a shoe, hold up on its own or the partner, which applies to both the answer. At the same answer, there is a point for the newly wed couple. Alternatively, the game can also be seen as preliminary at the Stag.
Possible questions: of you who came to marry the first to the idea? you have the initiative in the first Kiss taken? of you who urged the first to set up an apartment? Who is more economical of you? Who in the pants at home with you? rinsed Who of you more often from? Whoever of you wishes to have a baby soon? Who needs more of you in the bathroom? Which of you after a crash quickly ready for reconciliation? of you who need more tender loving care? of you who will rise over the next 5 years, more weight? Who is picky of you? Who is lazy of you? Which of you easily offended? of you who monitors the account activity? Who is on Sunday, bringing breakfast in bed? who is sympathetic or tolerant? Who's on first, and after a meal makes the dishes? Who's at midnight with the Hundeli? Who will be in a few years in the night screaming because of the Coming up? Who gives first after an argument? Who can lose more? Who took the first step in getting to know? Who is jealous? Who is responsible for the technical repairs in the house? Who is health conscious? who prefer to remain at home in the evening, to watch TV? Who is responsible for the prevention? Who snores often? Who is the party animal? Who sleeps tonight (wedding night) An early? Who is the better car driver? who goes more often to buy food? Who cooks better? Who's hard-drinking? Who in your relationship with the pants? Who is more attractive? Who has the greater thick skull? Who needs longer in the bathroom? Who is dominant in the bedroom? Who can lose more? Who is more decisive? who often waits on the other? Who has more sex appeal? Who has the power over the remote? who seduces the other more often? Who is the greater long sleepers? Who whines more when he is sick? who flirts more? Etc., etc. ..... Finally - Who pays us a round of champagne now?
points: per correct answer 1 point. Then the assessment could look like this:
0-8 points: You're driving moves closer together in stormy waters!
9-12 points: In the first year of marriage is still a little surprised - but then.
13-16 points: you have found the ideal partner.
16-18 points: The Golden wedding is already in sight!
idea Those who wish can also in addition to points per correct answer nor a sum of money in a piggy bank or similar subject.
idea Those who can not give as much / like, you can also create a "marriage certificate" and it's nice frame.
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