project CURLING, variant 1 (Tutorial)
This here is the first version of curls - and definitely not the last one:). I like the result very well, unfortunately it takes some time to prepare. Have ye in 2 hours for an appointment, this variant does not - because it works in the sleep (quite literally):).
you begin with wet or dry towel Hairs, combed her very well.
Then you make this beautiful enclosure (;)) of upper and lower hair to make the next step much easier.
now is that is going to go on turning the papillotte which I have already shown you here (with source of supply and price). If the hair is separated into two sections, it is much easier to screw the individual strands, not because you have to be careful,''''false hair (from a completely different part of the head) accidentally miteinzudrehen.
After the entire lower hair is turned up in Papilotte, solves her your top hair and starts turning up this well. If you (or if you have lots of thick hair), the layer is too thick to be screwed on it once, just once divided the hair into sections and rotating only the lower one.
If your hair is all screwed, it would have approximately look like this. It is not bad if it's something messy, which makes the whole if at all natural. Nevertheless, they should not hang out thick strands, this would be, in effect, but very noticeable ;).
pay attention when the screw is best that if your hair (as in photo) to bottom is clamped her papillotte in the opposite direction (photo: top) bending of, because it so the hair much better keep in shape and tight turn.
Now you sleep a night on the papillotte. Meanwhile, should your hair dry and by the time pressure in the mold and hold the curls without hair spray and what all the shows of course.
After papillotte were rotated out of you carefully, you see at medium length hair (about 5 cm above the shoulders, or at all;)) from, when her kämt straight from a 80s horror movie. To mitigate the result of something (I would personally so not out of the house: D), her hair combed with your fingers through (on garkeine case with a brush!)
By combing through with fingers, the individual curls are not 'destroyed' (as in combing with a brush), but only slightly eased. Nevertheless the effect was a bit too strong, so I have the Hair withdrawn with my hands and combed my fingers a braid. Afternoon after school, I then shot a photo of my braid (hence the other light;)).
The more you combed through the curls with your fingers and the longer they are forced into a''smooth''form (in this queue), the weaker they are, of course, but with the starting locks can in principle do everything (must be a loose braid yes). But now that I've played many times, because it is absolutely simple to make only twenty minutes to the actual needs (the rest is yes, then in his sleep), and, I think, a nice change to my perfectly ordinary Alltagszopf with straight hair is;).
I hope you get everything at imitating!
all love.
PS: I am over the weekend in Hamburg, so it can respond to comments until Sunday evening, I am pleased, of course, still on that! :)
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