Sunday, April 18, 2010

Does Mac Have Waterproof Liquid Fondation

guest list

A clear and detailed guest list for the full wedding planning phase of the utmost importance!
It offers you the opportunity to at all and declines to never lose track of: How many guests total invited, how many of them really have to and how many Cancelled. How many infants and children are present. Who needs a hotel. I have the gift for Fr Mayer finished? etc.

application tips:
In the 1 planning phase will score first all written guests that you can think of some way: Famlie, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers, etc. ...

In the 2 Phase, one begins to select. This can usually starts when one has the prices of the caterer and get informed know how many guests in the planned location of main course have.
Here, the following considerations may be useful:
  • Why did you invite a guest? This question may sound like something skuriele, but it makes a difference whether I invite guests to celebrate because "we do this" or one with as many would like to celebrate this special day, or in the intimate circle . Because then you have to ask yourself the question:?.? "Do I really invite the cousin, the aunt of my father, or third degree is not enough to this event to load the eve or purely for the wedding but not at the ceremony (this is ! legitimate)
  • also the question: Is my this person is really as much value (also financially) that it is on my wedding here?
  • could also be the "proselytizing" or Vorbildcharackter be a reason to invite for Christians or other Relliogionen
  • However, with the most important question you should ask yourself is:. Can I feel free and easy if the / are there? Especially in some difficult family situations that question is very important! So you think twice about who belongs to the invited guests. In a pinch - Clear rules set up! ;)
final stage. Here A final common view on the guest list will become necessary again Selects but then it should be!

Tip: Basically, you can invite 20% more guests than space in the location. For 100 guests usually come 80!

Tip 2: cost standard is one to children in general than 1 / 2 person (food). However, do not forget that they must have a place to sit still! Even if it is "only" to eat is: D

Tip 3: Plan a precaution 1-2 places for Spntan guests. This can be guests, the event. had canceled but may now, or people from your community who think that you belong to ... :)

So now, but good luck with planning!

Note: In my guest planner, there is the possibility of giveaways, hotel bookings and the sending of invitations to hack!

the guest planner, you can download here !


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